Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 8, 2015

Wordpress basic lessons for beginners

WordPress is an open source web content management (CMS - Content Management System) and also a blogging platform (Blog Platform) written in PHP using a database administrator MySQL

Actually WordPress initially announced that it not be seen as a CMS because of its strength is also limited at many community should then see WordPress just a selected source code to develop personal blog normal with very basic features that support creating static pages, create posts with embedded comments feature article for members to interact

After you've used WordPress proficiency. You will find the free plugin and Theme available never meet construction demands our website using WordPress. Because of this, you will want to do so may create a new plugin for WordPress or edit the free plugin is available to be shared on website. Then you need the knowledge to be able to start becoming a real programmer WordPress?

To become a WordPress developer can do everything the customer requires. You should try to study and learn more from those who went before. You can join groups on Facebook for WordPress help programmers with experience in the field of WordPress. Good luck

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 8, 2015

Learn website with basic wordpress for beginners

And if you want to learn how to make a professional website, you can learn how to use WordPress to know how fast website without too much knowledge of programming. And if you want to learn how to do website with WordPress, then this tutorial will for you, even if you are not ignorant.

In this lesson, you will start from the most basic knowledge is extremely essential for all those who wish to self-governance and a website with WordPress. From the knowledge, terms of hosting up to using it to get WordPress up and eventually finishing WordPress website with WordPress plugin repository and massive theme.

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 8, 2015

Thiết kế web với HTML cơ bản

Trong bài viết này, chúng tôi sẽ giới thiệu cho các bạn bài học về thiết kế website thông qua html. Cho dù bạn đang lên kế hoạch để đưa lên trang web của riêng bạn, làm đẹp những cái hiện có, hoặc kiếm được tiền bằng cách thiết kế web, nó là hiển nhiên cần thiết để có đủ kiến ​​thức cơ bản về thiết kế website. Khóa học này sẽ giúp cho bạn có được những kiến thức cơ bản về thiết kế web và từng bước thiết kế được trang web cho riêng bạn. Bạn nhất định sẽ thấy bài học này hữu ích như thế nào cho việc thiết kế web của bạn.

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 8, 2015

HTML5 and CSS3 tutorial for beginners

 A web design tutorial for beginners can be misleading terminology when it comes to the success of a website. In order for a website to stand a chance of succeeding, it must have a few elements that are often missing.

For instance, if you were to right-click on a few random websites and select view source code, you might be surprised to find missing elements like, correct Meta tags, missing keywords, no description of what the website page is about and sometimes a missing title.

 Here are listed some of the basic web design tutorial tips that will help you improve your web design.

1. Create Web 2.0 Websites
Web 2.0 denotes advanced web design styles such as sleek, clean, modern, and interacting websites. However, web developers do not build minimalist websites but they do remove unnecessary mess and content that will distract web users from browsing. Web 2.0 advanced website building is also important to optimize a website for every browser and not worry that older computer is unable to properly display the developed design.

2. Central Layout with CSS
Cascading style sheets are best to describe guides and styles for the main page and its inner pages. A central layout offers relevant content in the middle of the page, two sidebars for additional links will also be offered for search engine optimized tags, content and any other traffic building tools that could fill up the main content section. A central layout designed using CSS tags and layers also assists structure a website in pixel width. This lets every browser such as Internet Explorer or Firefox to show the same content without having text or graphics running off the visible browser screen.

3. Building Valid Websites
One of the most important elements of creating advanced websites is to make sure all the PHP, HTML, XHTML and CSS coding are valid. All of these tags are a vital factor of how the page is showed and what information is served to browsers. A CSS style sheet is embedded inside an (X)HTML document, and both work collectively as one website. A worthless CSS code will destroy the design, move text to wrong sections or remove color scheme choices from text and links. While an invalid (X)HTML document will inappropriately display a website, cause errors on the screen or display function errors if using PHP includes.

4. Search Engine Optimization
Web designers should know a basic element of an advanced web design that is a search engine optimized website-creating tools including META tags. META tags are used to define search engines what the website is all about and keywords it uses. Basically META tags are not present on the website; they are actually used internally by spiders and bots that scan through pages. Another most important search engine optimization tool is using relevant keywords inside the content. The keywords should be created in a manner that they relate to the site name first and then to the content being displayed to visitors. For example, a website created for a logo design should include keywords in content such as logo, logo design, and quality logo designs.

 From there, you load various other HTML reference sites like W3Schools so you can broaden your web design skills and do more creative things with the programs that you have.

For more great information on how to create a website we have a range of great tools and a free step by step guide on our website